Page 1 - 2023 Summer BPU Connection-WQR FINAL v10 PDF
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CONNECTION                                             Our mission: to focus on the needs of our

                                                                                          customers, to improve the quality of life in
                                                                                          our community while promoting safe,

                                                                                          reliable and sustainable utilities.
                            Serving the Water and Electric Needs of Kansas City, Kansas                      SUMMER 2023
                                                                                        2     Youth Program 3     Process 4
                                                                                              BPU Summer
                                                                         Legislative Update

     Water Conservation

     Reduce Usage and Costs

       The heat and humidity of summer is near, a time when water usage
     and consumption can go up. With a little effort, you can not only help
     conserve this precious natural resource but also reduce the energy
     usage needed to process and deliver water to homes and businesses
     in our community.  Efficient water use can have environmental, public
     health, and economic benefits by helping improve water quality,
     maintains ecosystems, and protect drinking water resources.
       Reducing one’s water consumption can also lead to a reduction in
     overall utility costs. There are simple ways to reduce both water and
     energy usage during the hot summer months, take a few minutes to
     learn how. See page 7 for savings tips.
      DID YOU KNOW?                                                          Meeting the Needs of

      • A steadily dripping faucet can waste                                 Our Community
                                                                               BPU continues to work with customers that experience
        2,000 gallons of water a year.                                       financial hardship and those that have difficulty in making
                                                                             utility payments, offering access to various financial
      • Household water use has jumped                                       assistance programs and resources, as well as flexible
        500% in the past 50 years.                                           payment programs.
                                                                               As a local, not-for-profit municipal utility, BPU
      • Each year Kansans use enough water                                   understands the needs of the community and the unique
                                                                             circumstances that it faces – and is continually looking for
        to fill 60 million swimming pools.                                   new ways to meet the needs of all its customers.

                                                       *Kansas Water Office                             For more information, see page 7

               2023 WATER QUALITY REPORTREPORT See Pages 8-11
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