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Saving Tips

Saving Tips

The power to save

Use these tips to help save on your utility bills.

Lowering your energy or water bills starts with being more aware of your utility usage. We’ve put together a variety of helpful videos and tips to show you how to do a few simple things to save on your utilities.

Saving energy with your appliances

Washing Clothes
Washing Clothes
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Wash at Night
Wash at night
Skip The Oven
Skip the oven
Fill Space In Freezer
Use gallon jugs to fill space in your freezer
Keep food cold, save cold hard cash
Radiant Heat
Change the way you cook, save some change.
Phantom Power
Phantom power use? That's scary!


Buying new appliances? The energy savings will surprise you.
Replace older appliances and increase your energy savings. A new refrigerator uses just half the energy of a 10-year-old unit. A new washing machine can cut energy use up to 70%. All major appliances, except ovens and ranges, come with energy guide labels. Research these labels to compare the energy usage of different models. These labels tell you the typical annual operating cost of the appliance, based on national average energy rates.

When out of town, turn it down!
If you’re planning on being away for 24 hours, consider turning your appliances down or off to save energy costs. Turn off air conditioners, heaters, pool and waterbed heaters, fans, lights and small appliances. If you're going away for a longer amount of time, do the above plus turn your water heater off or down per the manufacturer’s instructions. You may also want to purchase a programmable thermostat to automatically regulate your home temperature while you are away at work during the day.

Office equipment runs silent, runs deep.
Deep into your pockets, that is. You can save energy at home and work by turning off computer equipment that won’t be in use for 1+ hours. Enable “sleep” function to power down for shorter periods

Cook smart.
Use the microwave whenever possible; it saves energy. Pre-heat ovens for baking only. Use the oven light to check progress instead of opening the oven door. Turn the oven off before food is done and use retained heat to finish cooking.

Energy-wise children become savings-savvy adults.
Teach your children to be a valuable part of an energy-efficient family by having them turn off lights, TVs and computer equipment when they finish using them. Keep a list of snacks on the fridge to limit door openings. Saving energy can be like learning to ride a bike. Once you learn how, you never forget.

Dishwashing wisdom.
Wash only full loads and use a short cycle for lightly soiled dishes. Use the energy-saving, no-heat dry feature, or turn the dishwasher off after the final rinse to let dishes air dry and save yourself on energy costs.

Cool refrigeration savings.
Vacuum refrigerator coils at least twice a year. Open doors only when necessary and use energy-saver mode if so equipped. If you purchase a new refrigerator, remember to recycle the old one.

Clothes washing – wash cool, save big.
Use coolest water temperature that will get your clothes clean, considering fabric types and level of soiling. Wash only full loads, and select the correct water level for the load size.

Smart Heating, Cooling & Water Tips

Shorter Showers
Shorter Showers
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Locating potential water leaks
Locating potential water leaks.
Seal windows, save money
Seal windows, save money.
Is your faucet leaking money?
Is your faucet leaking money?
Switches and Outlets: Take a minute to save
Switches and Outlets: Take a minute to save.
Water Heater: You have the power to save
Water Heater: You have the power to save.
Leaky Toilets: A real cash drain
Leaky Toilets: A real cash drain.


Buying a new home? Efficiency, efficiency, efficiency.
Remember to look for energy-efficient features. While they may cost more up front, in the long run they will cost less to own. Look for passive, solar, energy-efficient heating and cooling, tightly sealed ducts, and energy-saving windows.

Sometimes, it’s what’s outside that counts.
Plant a deciduous tree on the south or west side of your home. It will provide cool shade in summer and allow warming sun to reach the house in fall and winter. A carefully planned windbreak can offer protection against cold winds and offer habitat for animals while reducing soil erosion by the wind. Proper tree placement can have more than aesthetic value. Also, consider hand-mowing small lawns and don't over-idle gas mowers to save on operating costs.

Deter duct leaks.
Leaky ducts reduce heating efficiency. Have a contractor check your crawlspace or attic for damaged, disconnected, or leaky ducts. Remember to repair faulty ducts with mastic sealant and not duct tape!

Cook smart.
Use the microwave whenever possible; it saves energy. Pre-heat ovens for baking only. Use the oven light to check progress instead of opening the oven door. Turn the oven off before food is done and use retained heat to finish cooking.

Weatherproof. Keep the good air in and high costs out.
Don’t let precious heated or cooled air escape through cracks. Caulk and weather-strip to reduce air leakage. Professional auditors use a device called a smoke pencil to locate leaks, but you can get similar results with an incense stick. On a windy day, hold the lit stick next to your windows, doors, plumbing fixtures, electrical outlets, ceiling fixtures and attic areas, anywhere there is a possible path to the outside. Changes in the smoke column mean cold air can enter and heat can escape. Reducing these drafts can decrease your annual energy cost by as much as 30%.

Never say, “I don’t do windows.”
Window coverings will help with your heating and cooling utility bills. To keep the hot summer sun out, use awnings, drapes and shades on your south windows. In winter, open drapes and shades on those south windows to let in the natural warmth of the sun, but remember to close all window coverings at night to retain that indoor heat. Wrap windows using plastic sheeting to create a double-pane, and you can save up to 25% on your energy bill.

Baby your water heater.
Set the water heater to the lowest temperature that provides you with sufficient hot water. If you have an older model, wrap your water heater with a water heater blanket, especially if it is in an unheated area.

Thermostat settings – easy does it.
Don’t use it like a gas pedal! Setting the temperature super high won’t heat your home any faster, but it will make your heater run longer. Overheating is a waste of energy. Instead, set your thermostat at a consistent, comfortable temperature.

Bath savings – a full tub = empty wallet.
Remember, showers use much less hot water than baths. If you prefer a bath, fill it only halfway or less. Fix leaks and install energy-saving low-flow shower heads and flow restrictors to save energy and water.

Cool with care.
Air conditioning is great at 78 degrees! The use of portable and ceiling fans will keep you cool for less, and in winter can be turned on reverse to move hot air down from the ceiling. If you do use an air conditioner, set it at 78 degrees when you're at home and 85 degrees when you’ll be away for more than 4 hours.

Heating tip – turn down the heat and turn up the savings.
Set your heater thermostat at 68 degrees or lower by day, and put on a sweater if you feel chilly. At night, set your thermostat at 55 degrees and cuddle up with extra blankets. Clean or replace your furnace filters regularly to keep your air clean and healthy.

Insulation. Check it.
Check your insulation! If it meets only minimum requirements, it won't be doing its job. Be sure your insulation is thick enough to be sufficient and add savings to your heating and cooling expenses.

Helpful Home Owners Hints

Buy Green Power
Buy Green Power
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Emergency Kit
Emergency Kit
Save the environment with great Kansas tap water.
Save the environment with great Kansas tap water.
Downed power lines
Downed power lines.
Kansas One Call
Kansas One Call.


Lighting usage – go fluorescent!
Of course, turn lights off when not in use, even if just for a minute. Replace incandescent bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs, which use 75% less energy and last about 10 times longer. Keep lighting fixtures clean for a good light flow.


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