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Kid Power
Kid Power
Kid Power

Little girl skipping along in the green grass and bright shining sun. Bird flies by. She holds up sign, smiling, that says Renewable Energy Sources.
[Narrator] As kids, it’s our job to keep the world a clean, happy, healthy place to live.

Sun pops up and shines.
[Narrator] That’s why it’s important to use renewable energy sources.

Scene shows a wind turbine, sun and water.
[Narrator] Which is power that comes from things like wind, sun, or water.

Little girl and her dog walk along garden path. Solar lights line the sidewalk on both sides.
[Narrator] These are sources that don’t get used up – they’re always there, producing energy for us to use.

Desk lamp turns on, and father is typing on a laptop computer.
[Narrator] And powering everything from lights to laptops.

Outside, the sun shines and flowers pop up in the grass.
[Narrator] When we use renewable energy, we create a safer, cleaner environment for everyone.

People in the neighborhood out doing their chores. One lady is watering her flowers, another man is mowing his grass and mom and children are out for a walk.
[Narrator] That’s more than power – that’s the power of community.

A little girl, with arms up in the air, looks up at a lightbulb flashing, being powered by electricity.
[Narrator] Did you know your home is powered by electricity?

Cat sitting on top of sofa sleeping, and mouse runs across on the TV screen. A girl holds up a tablet with the BPU logo on the screen. Little boy yawns while lying in bed with nightlight on.
[Narrator] It powers your TV so you can watch cartoons...charges your tablet...and keeps your nightlight on.

A large safety sign pops up, then large numbered signs next to it.
[Narrator] But there are a few very important safety rules you need to remember before using anything electrical…

1.  Little girl yanks electrical cord out of wall and it sputters electricity flashes out of cord end.
[Narrator] First, don’t yank an electrical cord out of the wall. You could damage the cord or the outlet.

2.  Power strip with a bunch of cords plugged into it, all tangled together and sparks fly off the plugs.
[Narrator] Second, don’t plug too many cords into one outlet or extension cord, because it could start a fire.

3.  Little girl in bubble bath with bubbles floating up and water on floor. Fan is plugged in nearby.
[Narrator] And finally, always keep electrical stuff far away from water.

Cord running through a puddle of water… a robot in a toy boat sparks
[Narrator] Water and electricity don’t mix!

Parents and kids walking down the city sidewalk. Fades to just the little boy and girl, smiling, with BPU logo and Power of Community above them.
[Narrator] When we follow these rules, we stay safe – and when we watch out for each other, we build the power of community!

Big yellow caution! Sign with blue skies and clouds behind. Boy dives off the high dive into pool.
[Narrator] It’s important to always be careful around electricity...even outside!

A downed power line drapes over a fence. A squirrel hops onto the scene, sees the power line which begins to spark. The squirrel dashes past to avoid the power line and hops out of the scene.
[Narrator] Never touch power lines or other electric equipment, which can seriously harm you

Boy looking up at tree, thinking it would be fun to climb. Boy points at power lines above, close to the tree. Dog is barking below.
[Narrator] When you’re climbing a tree, look up and make sure there are no nearby power lines.

Dad up on top of a ladder, trimming a hedgerow with his chainsaw. Stops when he sees power lines hanging overhead.
[Narrator] Or, if your parents are using a chainsaw, ladder, or other outdoor equipment, remind them to watch out for power lines, too.

A blue sky with clouds; Little girl running along with her dog, a red and blue kite whips and dives in the wind as power lines hang in the background.
[Narrator] Never fly a kite near power lines or power stations.

Electrical Substation with fence surrounding it and finger pointing to a blue and red DANGER! sign to not climb the fence.
[Narrator] And remember, don’t climb the fences surrounding substations!

Up from bottom, part of a world globe comes into view and rotates; Trees, homes, etc., are on the circle and turn with it.
[Narrator] Together we can stay safe – and build the power of community!

BPU logo comes up with The Power of Community.

World with big red heart spinning with bold blue line encircling it.
[Narrator] Want to help clean up the environment?

Line creates text: 3 R’s…reduce…reuse…recycle
[Narrator] Just remember the three “Rs”: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle.

Line continues to travel across frame, forms a tap with a water droplet coming down from top of frame, forms a lightbulb, continues on to form an outlet with a plug in it out of frame.
[Narrator] Reduce wasted water and energy by shutting the tap off when you brush your teeth, turning off lights when you leave a room, and unplugging chargers that you’re not using.

Two sisters, the older one takes off her jacket and the younger one puts it on and smiles
[Narrator] Reuse old things instead of just tossing them in the trash...

We see an aluminum bottle being filled under a tap; a piece of paper with type on it and crayons spread around it.
[Narrator] Drink from a reusable water bottle instead of disposable ones, and use the backside of computer printouts for drawing.

Cans, boxes, glass items being tossed into a recycle bin with the recycle logo and label on waste bin.
[Narrator] And finally, be sure to recycle glass, bottles, cans, and cardboard so they can be used again.

Back out to show a kid standing next to the recycle bin, wearing a cape, arms in proud stance, recycle logo on his jumpsuit.
[Narrator] Become the household “Captain of Recycling” so you can help your friends and family remember!

Wind and clouds in a blue sky. Yellow bi-plane puffs out white letters to form BPU then flies off screen with scarf around neck.
[Narrator] By keeping our earth clean, we create a happy, healthy environment – and that’s the power of community!

Kid Smarts Text
Learn from Some of Our Friends

We’ve gathered just a few of our favorite resources for kids, parents and educators!

Indoor Electric Safety Tips

Kid Power

The 3 R’s:
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Kid Power

Renewable Energy View video transcript View video transcript

Kid on Cycle
Coloring Pages

Download our coloring pages, get creative and maybe even learn a little more about energy and water!


Little girl skipping along in the green grass and bright shining sun. Bird flies by. She holds up sign, smiling, that says Renewable Energy Sources.
[Narrator] As kids, it’s our job to keep the world a clean, happy, healthy place to live.

Sun pops up and shines.
[Narrator] That’s why it’s important to use renewable energy sources.

Scene shows a wind turbine, sun and water.
[Narrator] Which is power that comes from things like wind, sun, or water.

Little girl and her dog walk along garden path. Solar lights line the sidewalk on both sides.
[Narrator] These are sources that don’t get used up – they’re always there, producing energy for us to use.

Desk lamp turns on, and father is typing on a laptop computer.
[Narrator] And powering everything from lights to laptops.

Outside, the sun shines and flowers pop up in the grass.
[Narrator] When we use renewable energy, we create a safer, cleaner environment for everyone.

People in the neighborhood out doing their chores. One lady is watering her flowers, another man is mowing his grass and mom and children are out for a walk.
[Narrator] That’s more than power – that’s the power of community.

A little girl, with arms up in the air, looks up at a lightbulb flashing, being powered by electricity.
[Narrator] Did you know your home is powered by electricity?

Cat sitting on top of sofa sleeping, and mouse runs across on the TV screen. A girl holds up a tablet with the BPU logo on the screen. Little boy yawns while lying in bed with nightlight on.
[Narrator] It powers your TV so you can watch cartoons...charges your tablet...and keeps your nightlight on.

A large safety sign pops up, then large numbered signs next to it.
[Narrator] But there are a few very important safety rules you need to remember before using anything electrical…

1.  Little girl yanks electrical cord out of wall and it sputters electricity flashes out of cord end.
[Narrator] First, don’t yank an electrical cord out of the wall. You could damage the cord or the outlet.

2.  Power strip with a bunch of cords plugged into it, all tangled together and sparks fly off the plugs.
[Narrator] Second, don’t plug too many cords into one outlet or extension cord, because it could start a fire.

3.  Little girl in bubble bath with bubbles floating up and water on floor. Fan is plugged in nearby.
[Narrator] And finally, always keep electrical stuff far away from water.

Cord running through a puddle of water… a robot in a toy boat sparks
[Narrator] Water and electricity don’t mix!

Parents and kids walking down the city sidewalk. Fades to just the little boy and girl, smiling, with BPU logo and Power of Community above them.
[Narrator] When we follow these rules, we stay safe – and when we watch out for each other, we build the power of community!

Big yellow caution! Sign with blue skies and clouds behind. Boy dives off the high dive into pool.
[Narrator] It’s important to always be careful around electricity...even outside!

A downed power line drapes over a fence. A squirrel hops onto the scene, sees the power line which begins to spark. The squirrel dashes past to avoid the power line and hops out of the scene.
[Narrator] Never touch power lines or other electric equipment, which can seriously harm you

Boy looking up at tree, thinking it would be fun to climb. Boy points at power lines above, close to the tree. Dog is barking below.
[Narrator] When you’re climbing a tree, look up and make sure there are no nearby power lines.

Dad up on top of a ladder, trimming a hedgerow with his chainsaw. Stops when he sees power lines hanging overhead.
[Narrator] Or, if your parents are using a chainsaw, ladder, or other outdoor equipment, remind them to watch out for power lines, too.

A blue sky with clouds; Little girl running along with her dog, a red and blue kite whips and dives in the wind as power lines hang in the background.
[Narrator] Never fly a kite near power lines or power stations.

Electrical Substation with fence surrounding it and finger pointing to a blue and red DANGER! sign to not climb the fence.
[Narrator] And remember, don’t climb the fences surrounding substations!

Up from bottom, part of a world globe comes into view and rotates; Trees, homes, etc., are on the circle and turn with it.
[Narrator] Together we can stay safe – and build the power of community!

BPU logo comes up with The Power of Community.

World with big red heart spinning with bold blue line encircling it.
[Narrator] Want to help clean up the environment?

Line creates text: 3 R’s…reduce…reuse…recycle
[Narrator] Just remember the three “Rs”: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle.

Line continues to travel across frame, forms a tap with a water droplet coming down from top of frame, forms a lightbulb, continues on to form an outlet with a plug in it out of frame.
[Narrator] Reduce wasted water and energy by shutting the tap off when you brush your teeth, turning off lights when you leave a room, and unplugging chargers that you’re not using.

Two sisters, the older one takes off her jacket and the younger one puts it on and smiles
[Narrator] Reuse old things instead of just tossing them in the trash...

We see an aluminum bottle being filled under a tap; a piece of paper with type on it and crayons spread around it.
[Narrator] Drink from a reusable water bottle instead of disposable ones, and use the backside of computer printouts for drawing.

Cans, boxes, glass items being tossed into a recycle bin with the recycle logo and label on waste bin.
[Narrator] And finally, be sure to recycle glass, bottles, cans, and cardboard so they can be used again.

Back out to show a kid standing next to the recycle bin, wearing a cape, arms in proud stance, recycle logo on his jumpsuit.
[Narrator] Become the household “Captain of Recycling” so you can help your friends and family remember!

Wind and clouds in a blue sky. Yellow bi-plane puffs out white letters to form BPU then flies off screen with scarf around neck.
[Narrator] By keeping our earth clean, we create a happy, healthy environment – and that’s the power of community!

Kid on Cycle
Coloring Pages

Download our coloring pages, get creative and maybe even learn a little more about energy and water!

lighting-up-ur-city click-here-to-download

Kid Smarts Text
Learn from Some of Our Friends

We’ve gathered just a few of our favorite resources for kids, parents and educators!


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